Monday, 11 July 2016

Unreliable Employees - The Domino Effect

While you might be willing to tolerate an unreliable employee, there is actually a domino effect on the rest of your staff. Whether you mean to or not, by ignoring the problem, you are asking your most reliable, high performing staff to carry the extra workload of your unreliable worker.

In effect, you’re punishing your good performers and rewarding your unreliable one.

If you allow the problem to continue for too long, it will take its toll on everyone. As a result, you risk losing your best staff because they feel you are taking advantage of them.

If left unchecked, you also risk staff burn-out as your reliable staff carry the responsibility of achieving their own KPIs as well as a portion of the unreliable employee’s workload.

How to recognise an unreliable employee?
The symptoms of an unreliable employee include:
  • Absenteeism
  • Frequently missed deadlines
  • Habitually arriving late for work
  • Inconsistent work quality
  • Regularly making simple mistakes
  • Repeating the same mistakes after follow-up training
  • Failure to follow instructions
  • Frequently missing team meetings or appointments with clients

Of course, no employee is perfect but if these symptoms become frequent or even predictable, you need to take action before they start to affect your whole team.

Implement an action plan
If you have an employee exhibiting any of the above symptoms, you need to address the situation promptly. Start with explaining what behavior needs to be changed and how.

Next, put together a performance management system that you both agree on. It should include the behavior and goals you expect the unreliable worker to achieve. Be very specific about the timeframes and outcomes you require.

If you are uncertain about how to manage an unreliable employee or would like expert advice, speak to the team at End2End Business Solutions. They have a range of services that may be suitable for your business.

Don’t wait until your unreliable employee is affecting the productivity of your whole team. Call End2End Business Solutions today on 02 8977 4002.

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