Wednesday 26 June 2013

Why you should outsource your HR

While most large companies have an in-house HR team, this isn’t always viable for SMBs, so outsourcing your HR might be the ideal solution.

It can free up your time, and help you to protect your business into the future – without breaking the bank.

For more important reasons to consider outsourcing your HR read this interesting article from Lisa Spiden at Dynamic Business:

"As a business owner, dealing with your business’ HR needs can be time consuming, and not having the right knowledge and understanding of HR issues can lead to potential legal problems and penalties for your business.

While most large companies have an in-house HR team, this strategy isn’t always viable for many SMBs, even though they face the same issues when it comes to recruiting employees, dealing with disputes, and developing, recognising and rewarding employees.

If you don’t have the scope to employ a HR person, outsourcing your HR might be the ideal solution. It can free up your time, and help you to protect your business and your employees into the future – without breaking the bank.

HR outsourcing companies can take on a wide range of HR-related tasks for your business, including recruitment, dispute resolution, and compliance.

Here are some of the reasons why you might want to consider outsourcing your HR:

Ensure compliance with employment legislation
The law surrounding employees is complex and often subject to change. It is difficult to keep up with the current legislation, while also focusing on running your business.

Professional consultants at HR outsourcing companies understand best practice, and can help make sure you avoid non-compliance, and the resultant disputes and penalties.

Save time
Recruiting, managing staff issues, ongoing development and rewarding of staff members can be extremely time consuming, and many business owners don’t have the time to devote to these tasks.

If you are better spending your time working on your core business, outsourcing your HR is a sensible decision that can allow you to focus more on the things that you do best.

Save money
By improving the efficiency of your HR practices, you can streamline processes and help reduce your costs. Recruiting new employees can be costly, particularly if the employees you hire aren’t the right fit for your business, or the role.

Using the services of an HR outsourcing company means that you have a better chance of getting the right employee first time.

Build a competitive advantage
Many HR companies are capable of developing training programs for employees, and are available to help with performance management and feedback.

Effectively managing employee performance can build loyalty, and help keep your employees motivated, engaged and working more efficiently. This can in turn help your business build a competitive advantage, and can give your employees access to skills and knowledge that they would not otherwise have.

HR is a complex area, and while you might not need a full team of HR professionals, you can get valuable assistance when you need it by outsourcing."

Link to original article.

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