Friday, 3 June 2016

It is not always about the money

Time off in Lieu has been extended by the Fair Work commission into the Modern Awards.
It is not uncommon for workers to want to enjoy the rewards of their hard work with something other than cash.  

For many, time off in lieu for overtime worked (TOIL) can be put towards creating a long weekend or used for family and personal activities.    This can be a greater motivator than money.  

For business it can be a win-win arrangement as it can save a owner money and also good workers will use this time for person reasons, rather than taking a “sickie”.
83 of the 122 modern awards already provide for (TOIL).   Of those, 60 provide the TOIL is calculated at the ordinary rate and the remaining 23 modern awards provide TOIL at the overtime rate.   

The Fair Work Commission has ruled that the TOIL should be inserted into the remaining awards.   

What steps do you need to take in implementing a TOIL arrangement?

1)  You may agree in writing to the employee taking time off instead of being paid for a  particular amount of overtime that has been worked by the employee.

2)  A TOIL agreement can also be made by an exchange of email or SMS messages with you.

3)   The period of time off that an employee is entitled to take is the same as the number of overtime hours worked e.g. three overtime hours = 3 hours of TOIL.

4)   TOIL must be taken within the period of six months after the overtime is worked at times agreed by the employee and employer.

5)  Copies of any TOIL agreements must be kept as an employee record.

6)  No undue influence or undue pressure is to be exerted onto an employee to make or not make a TOIL agreement.

7)  An employee may request a TOIL agreement as a flexible working arrangement. You cannot refuse the agreement except on reasonable business grounds.

8)   A policy outlining the TOIL and how it works should be developed and all employees made aware of what the agreement will include.

9)   You must pay out the overtime if:
(a)   TOIL is not taken within six months;
(b)   The employee requests it to be paid out; or
(c)    The employee’s employment ends

You must not knowingly or recklessly make a false or misleading representation about an employee’s entitlements under a TOIL agreement.   

You should know what the modern award that applies to your business has in terms of a
TOIL arrangement.  

Help is available
End2end can help a business get ahead of their competitors with tailored staff management strategies, call us on 02 8977 4002 to see how we can help you.  

How to turn an underperformer into a star performer

On average, managers spend 14% of their time correcting the mistakes of poor performers according to research conducted by The Future Foundation. That equates to 33½ work days each year.

Yet many managers prefer to avoid having difficult conversations with their under performing staff so the poor performance continues.

Here are 5 steps to help you turn your under performer into employee of the month. 

Step 1: Act now or you’ll regret it later
Under performance needs to be corrected as soon as you notice there’s a problem. The faster you act, the less impact it will have on your business and other members of your team. Don’t wait until a small performance problem becomes a large and irritating one.

Step 2: Define the problem and be specific
Delve under the surface to seek the real reasons for your employee’s poor performance. Can it be improved with more training? Do they have an issue with motivation or team dynamics? Perhaps they are a poor fit for the job but have skills that could be better utilised elsewhere in your organisation?

You will achieve the best results when you truly understand what’s stopping your employee from achieving greatness.

“Take care of your employees and your employees will take care of your customers”.
                                                                                                            - Richard Branson

Step 3: Have an honest conversation
Arrange a private meeting with your employee. Be empathetic, honest and factual when delivering your feedback. Provide your employee with specific examples demonstrating when their performance was lacking and how the task should have been performed.

Step 4: Develop a resolution plan with your employee
Give your employee every chance to succeed by working together to find ways to implement performance improvements. Clearly communicate what is expected, provide measurable outcomes and reasonable timeframes.

Step 5: Monitor progress and give feedback
Schedule regular follow up meetings to review your employee’s performance based on the agreed plan. Continue to provide specific feedback (whether good or bad) and monitor their performance. Importantly, don’t forget to recognise and congratulate them on their efforts and improvements.

Honestly, when you take the time to manage an under performing employee, your efforts will usually be rewarded.

Don’t wait until you’ve lost all patience or the situation reaches a crisis point. Contact End2End Business Solutions to help you manage your under performing staff. Call 02 8977 4002.

What do you do when your staff ask for flexible workdays?

Under Fair Work Legislation, every business must provide a family friendly work environment for their employees. Providing staff with the option to work different hours or work from home does not have to mean a loss of productivity. In fact, even smaller businesses are finding it advantageous to accommodate their staff’s needs for flexible work arrangements.

However the initial request for more flexibility is often confronting for many employers. Here are 3 points you need to consider.

1.  It’s not a one-way exchange
While it may not be applicable to every member of your team, most employers have loyal, hardworking staff members they know they can trust. If you wish to keep these people, you need to be adaptable as they balance their work and family obligations.

Unhappy workers leave their current jobs – especially if their new employer promises more opportunities to gain work/life balance. So if you want to keep your best workers, you will need to consider their request for flexibility.

Building a culture of trust
Accommodating a staff member’s needs for flexible work arrangements makes a strong statement that you trust and value their contribution to your organisation.

When workers feel valued, they tend to work harder and be more loyal to their employer. So while the initial request for flexible work arrangements may seem inconvenient for your business, it could provide a boost in productivity.

2.  A request for flexibility is the start of a conversation
The legislation around providing flexible work arrangements clearly states that a business can refuse requests for flexible working arrangements “on reasonable business grounds”. The key word here is reasonable and this is where personal biases can cloud an employer’s decision.

The legislation also states the request for flexibility must be made in writing describing what the request is and the reasons for it. The employer must then respond within 21 days. Use this time to become less emotional about the request. Instead, focus on the impact to your business if the staff member takes unplanned leave or resigns from your organisation.

Negotiate if you can’t say “yes”
If you are unable to completely satisfy your employee’s request for flexibility, try to negotiate a middle ground that satisfies the needs of both the employee and the business. For example, if your employee asks to work from home 3 days a week, maybe they could work from home 1 or 2 days a week with a review of the situation after 3 months.

3.  Explore ways to create a flexible workplace by redesigning work flow practices
Technology and customer service expectations are both changing the way the world does business. Many industries now operate in a 24/7 environment with businesses of all sizes embracing the cost savings of running virtual offices.

For some businesses offering 9 day fortnights or longer work days in exchange for rostered days off are proving a viable way to remain profitable and customer focused. They often report other benefits such as reduced unplanned leave because workers have the flexibility to balance their work and home responsibilities.

A fresh approach could help your business
In order to adapt to the changing expectations of employees and legislators, many businesses seek help from experts in the field. End2End Business Solutions offers SMEs a range of outsourced HR services tailored to your needs.

To discover if End2End can help your business, call 02 8977 4002.

50% of the workforce will be Millennials by 2020. Are you ready?

In 4 years, Millennials will make up 50% of the Australian workforce. Yet many businesses are finding this group hard to attract, manage and retain. What do you need to do to make your business attractive to this growing workforce demographic?

The Values Generation
It’s important to Millennials to stay true to their own personal values. In fact the Deloitte Millennial Survey 2016 found 44% of the Millennials surveyed have turned down a job offer because of the organisation’s values.

Millennials want their employer to value people and community over profits. So to effectively manage a Millennial employee, you must demonstrate that being a good Corporate Citizen is important to your organisation. You also need to empower Millennial workers to express their concerns when faced with a task or situation that challenges their personal values.

Career development is important
On the whole, Millennials are highly educated and informed about what’s going on in the world. They want to continue to learn and be challenged. They also need to see there are opportunities for advancement.

To retain your Millennial workforce, show them a clear path for career advancement. Show them you value their contribution to your organisation and assist them to fulfil their ambitions by providing training opportunities so they can expand their skill set.

Provide flexibility
With device in hand, Millennials are working longer hours than previous generations by using their commute to and from work as part of their work day. In addition, you will often find Millennials working on weekends and after hours. They expect to have these extra hours recognised by their employer. They also expect their employer to share their flexible definition of a work day.

To keep your Millennial staff happy, be prepared to introduce flexible work practices such as starting work later or earlier and working remotely.

The time to change is now
For your business to continue to flourish, it needs to adapt to the expectations of a growing proportion of the available workforce – the Millennials. The team at End2End Business Solutions works with businesses to help them recruit, manage and retain their staff.

For more information on how End2End may be able to help your business, call 02 8977 4002.