Due to the fact that people send and receive so many emails on a daily basis, they often end up making mistakes that could reflect badly on them. It is easy to make a spelling mistake or appear too casual or unprofessional in tone.
Here are some tips to make sure you always come across professional in any email communications:
- Always include a clear subject line. Include a clear, direct subject line that sums up what the email is about. People will often decide on whether or not to open an email based solely on the subject line.
- Have a professional email address. If you work for a company you should use your company email. If you are self-employed you should be careful when choosing your email address to make sure that it sounds professional. It should include your name so the recipient knows exactly who is trying to contact them.
- Do not use colloquial greetings such as “Hey guys”. Always use professional salutations in your email communications. A courteous greeting and closing helps to make your e-mail not seem demanding or terse.
- Do not go over the top with your use of exclamation marks. Only use them when absolutely necessary. People can get carried away when using exclamation marks and the result is usually that they come off looking immature.
- Be wary when using humour. Humour can often get misconstrued without the right tones or facial expressions. In a professional sense, humour should be avoided unless you know the recipient very well.
- Proofread every message. Even if you miss a spelling or grammatical error, its more than likely that the recipient of your email will not and you may be judged for making them. Typing your emails in all small case gives the perception of lack of education or laziness. Do not rely solely on spell check – read your email a few times before you send it off.
- Add the email address last. This will prevent you from accidentally sending the email before you are finished writing and proofing it.
- Make sure that you have added the right recipient. It is very easy to select the wrong address from your contacts and this can be embarrassing for both you and the person who receives the email by mistake.