By perfecting your recruitment process, you will get the right person for the job in a shorter amount of time so you’ll stop losing money as a result of having an unfilled position.
Here are some tips for perfecting the recruitment process;
- Develop and prioritize the main requirements needed from the position and the special qualifications and experience you seek in a candidate.
- Develop the job description for the position you are seeking and determine job interview questions in advance.
- Spread word of mouth information within your industry about the position you are looking to fill.
- Screen resumes and applications against the established criteria and qualifications.
- Give candidates a copy of the job requirements to review
- Plan a meeting with the individuals involved in the recruitment process .Have everyone agree on the qualities you are looking for in a candidate.
- Check references. Perform appropriate background checks that include employment references, employment history, education, criminal records, credit history and drug testing.
- Create a documented, systematic hiring process.
- Develop the largest pool of qualified candidates possible. Do this by utilising every tool available to you, Facebook, Twitter etc.
- Train supervisors to give clear direction and expectations, provide feedback and show commitment to staff success.
- Once you have defined the qualities and skills you would most like in a candidate, devise interview questions that allow your applicant to demonstrate that they have the desired skills.
- The use of behaviourally based interview questions can be useful to pinpoint the people you want in your organisation.
- Identify characteristics of your best employees and then develop interview questions to identify these qualities.
- When replacing an position it can be useful to review the role and decide if there are any changes required or certain tasks or roles that were performed by the previous employee that do not need to be performed by the new one.
The people who work in your organisation are, after all, key to its success - so investing in the process is also an investment in the business